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Welcome to Realm Adventurer 2D!

Description: Make your way through as many realms as possible in 5 minutes! Slay enemies to gain health and points. 

Notes: This game was created for the 2024 Neumont Winter Game Jam. It is in a rough state, but it was very fun to test some of my skills in an intense situation. I'm still learning Unity, so many features in this game are a bit off. Please note that the game over screen isn't working, so Alt-F4 is your best friend here. Enjoy!

Basic Controls: Space Bar(Jump), Left Mouse Click(Attack 01(Least Damage)), Right Mouse Click(Attack 02 (Increased Damage)), Middle Mouse Button(Attack03 (Most Damage))

4 Realms:

- Grasslands

- Castle:




WinterGameJam2024.exe 651 kB